The Opportunity
The key to successfully designing a development scheme is that it reflects and responds to the opportunities and constraints that the site presents. Harworth have instructed a comprehensive team of consultants to assess the site and identify opportunities and constraints in relation to Topography, Highways, Landscape, Ecology, Ground Conditions and Coal Mining legacy issues, Drainage and Flood Risk, Air Quality, Noise and Cultural Heritage.
The site is situated in within a low lying area of generally gently undulating landform and is bound by existing road infrastructure and the Aire and Calder Navigation, to the east of Knottingley, where the settlement pattern consists of warehouses and industrial estates. The dominant land use surrounding the site is agricultural, consisting of a variety of field patterns and sizes and exhibiting an open character, which results in the large scale features of Eggborough and Knottingley power stations, and the former colliery being prominent features and exerting an industrial character to the landscape. The site is not covered by any landscape designations, is not within a Conservation Area, nor does it contain any Listed Buildings or Public Rights of Way.
The proposed scheme provides an opportunity to redevelop the former colliery with well-integrated built form, reducing the visual impact of the former colliery and introducing measures to enhance the existing biodiversity through new green infrastructure.
Transport and Access
The site already benefits from an existing access onto Weeland Road (A645) which during peak operation of the Colliery accommodated a large number of vehicles entering and egressing the site. The scheme proposes to utilise the existing vehicular access onto Weeland Road (A645).
A secondary access is also proposed onto Sudforth Lane which runs along the site’s eastern boundary.
A qualified highways consultant has been appointed to fully assess the capacity of the existing highway network and its ability to serve the proposed scheme. A highways consultant is present at this consultation event to answer any queries you may have regarding this ongoing assessment.
Given the former use of the site, it is widely considered to be of minimal ecological value. Harworth have however instructed ecological consultants to conduct an extended Phase 1 Habitat Survey, Bird and Bat surveys.
The findings of these surveys are currently being finalised but the initial conclusions are that there are no protected species which would preclude development on the site. The final reports will also suggest ways in which the ecological value of the site can be enhanced. These measures will be incorporated into the final proposals