The Masterplan
The emerging development masterplan envisages the provision of up to 1.45m sq ft. of a mix of land uses including Class B1: Business (light industry) Class B2: General Industry (industrial process other than B1) and Class B8: Storage and Distribution, with ancillary development.
The exact quantum, layout and scale of the development will be determined by business interest and so this hasn’t been defined at this stage. Although the site has not been marketed, a number of businesses have already expressed an interest in basing themselves at Kellingley and hundreds of new jobs could be brought back to the site as a result.
Development Parcels
The parcels of development have been designed to be most appropriate with regard to the site and its future function. This has taken in to account the constraints and opportunities that the site offer.
The parcels are placed and orientated to allow a suitable range of plot sizes and cater for future employment. Areas of landscape are positioned to accommodate strategic landscape planting and drainage features as required.
The Need for Flexibility
The emerging masterplan for development will be flexible and can evolve over time to cater for the market’s needs and operator requirements. Emerging proposals have allowed for the following business park operational requirements:
- Storage and distribution warehouses (including ancillary offices)
- Variation of individual building sizes, up to 600,000 sq. ft.
- Starter units for new/small businesses
Harworth has brought other similar schemes forward elsewhere, including the Advanced Manufacturing Park in Rotherham and Logistics North in Bolton, and it will draw on its vast experience in bringing the site forward for employment development.